Procrastinating till Thursday

up up and away

Sooooo it’s been awhile and new things are happening. Getting up super early, 430 am, to go out and do plein air sketches of the sun coming up. Which ever of the studies sparks something, like the two hot air balloons on the Strada easel, get worked up into thumbnails. Find an interesting composition and eventually it turns into the a studio painting. Working all the time to keep the fresh energy of the sketch. These are 22×28 inches, oil on linen.

reach out if you are interested in them.


need’d a walkman

Alrighty… this is a test of the power of the inter-webs. I’m looking for an old school walkman (can be any brand, pic just for the fun of it) Online they are stupid expensive. Needs to be in working order. If ya’ve got one hit me up, I’m sure we can work somethin’ out. So check under beds, in the forgotten closets, boxes in the garage and in the trunk in the attic. Cheers for your efforts!
